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Meet Isreal!

Summer on the Hill Class of 2007

High School Attended: Fordham Preparatory School

Undergraduate College/University: City College of New York with a BA in Economics and Political Science

Isreal is a Senior Associate at Better. Some of his interests include technology, education technology and finance, and international development.

Read his interview below!

What was your admissions process to Summer on the Hill like?

It was my brother who had been selected for an interview. Ms. Baez gave me a paper and pen to occupy my time. That turned into a 3 page story and a complimentary offer to SOH!

What would your adult self tell your young self about taking a leap of faith with Summer on the Hill?

Work harder to maintain those relationships. We all had unique experiences, but there was so much confluence. We were all cutting against the grain and the owners of many firsts. I’d tell my younger self to never lose those connections and to continue to build with the cohort and friendships I developed.

What advice would you give current Summer on the Hill students?

Focus on the academic jumpstart. Focus on the interpersonal skill development. Focus on the sports. This trip will make you so much more successful in life. ++ Ask tons of questions to your mentors. They have been in your shoes and can help you affirm.

Anything else you would like to tell us?

Without SOH, I’m not sure where I’d be. From 4th grade to age 25, SOH has stuck by me. This program is itself a social mobility engine and I look forward to witnessing its impact for years to come.

Update: Isreal recently participated in Africa Code Week

Check out his statement below!

Africa Code Week — Nigeria Aug 2018 — Oct 2018

“Africa Code Week seeks to uncover and inspire the next generation of African entrepreneurs, technologists, and creators. We are helping to change their unique ID from consumers to owners and administrators of teach. In Nigeria, our team of volunteers facilitated over 120 coding workshops using Scratch to help teach the foundations of programming and logical problem-solving. We equipped the lives of over 3,500 students, aged 6-18 and 51% girl attendance, with the skills to use tech and enable their ideas and solutions to help their communities. We thank Summer on the Hill for their very generous donation of 7 MacBooks which enabled us to go offline and into communities that lacked technical infrastructure. We’re looking forward to returning again next year and increasing our impact.”